LHS History & Traditions
Photos and records will continue to be added. Use the link below to see the entire photo collection.
Mascot: Indian Chief
1952 Alma Mater Music
School Building Locations
Back 1870-1919 LHS School
Front 1870-1919 LHS School
1919-1934 LHS School
1934-66 LHS School
1967-2016 LHS School
1967 Senior Class 1st in new building
LHS 2016
Blueprints for Addition
2016 Groundbreaking
2018-Present LHS School Building
1960 Downtown Fountain
Senior Class Photos
1968 Senior Class
1971 Senior Class
1973 Senior Class
1976 Senior Class
1986 Senior Class
1987 Senior Class
1989 Senior Class
1992 Favorites
2000 Senior Class
2001 Senior Class
2007 Senior Class
2019 Senior Class
Scholarship Memorials
Faculty, Band, Sports and Clubs
1928 Football Team
1940 Hilltopper Football Team
1984 LHS Faculty pg. 2
1926 LHS Football Team • Front: Duberry Russell, Chase. Grimes, Earl Abbott, Tim Watt, Kyle Kolloch • Row 2: Coach Eckstein, John Grubb, Cell Miller, Shad Haskins, Jess Jones, Chas. White, Blair Harrison, Chas. Watkins, Jim Watkins, Earl Hendrick, Reed Woods, Dan T. Rogers (Principal) • Back: M.C. Anderson, John Merrick, Blair Kline, Gordon Harris, Ray Russell, Bill Kimbrough
1963 FFA Officers
1949 Football Team
1984 Baseball Team
Baseball Team Records
Baseball Player Records
1947 LHS Basketball Team: Front: Lloyd Oran, Jimmy “Dobbin” Connor, Buck Mitchell, Fred “Opossum” Seeley, Paul “Lefty, Slim” Waters • 2nd Row: Junior “Little Boy, Spoon” Oran, Bud “Freckles, Sleepy-Head” Hooker, Coach Bob Matthew, Dan “Colleen” Jenkins, Nat Campbell
2002 Girls Basketball
1959 Bible Club
1951-52 Football Team
1959 Homecoming Floats
1970 Football Team
1993 Cheerleaders
1973 Marching Band
2001 Soccer Team
1979 Favorites
Basketball Dream Team Goes to State 1988
1988 Basketball Team AA State Tournament
1988 Basketball Team AA State Tournament
Quote from 1988 Yearbook pg. 70-71
(Written by cheerleaders Kristie Nicholson and Jennifer Shaver In reference to the Boys Basketball Team playing in the AA State Championship Tournament in Nashville in 1988)
As we were traveling to the Boys State Basketball Tournament in Nashville, everyone felt nervous but very excited. Each day we tried to keep the fans and the team fired up for the game of that day. As the wins kept coming, the excitement rose to its highest capacity. We had made it to the final game and needed to stay behind the team more than ever. As the last seconds ticked away, we were behind by 1 point. Then the game was over and we had lost. Although everyone was naturally disappointed, no one cauld have been more proud of the team than we, the cheerleaders, were. When the game was over and the awards were given, we were extremely excited to find out that our squad had received the 1988 State Boys Basketball Tournament Sportsmanship Award. Out of eight squads in the tournament, we were chosen to have led our crowd with spirit and sportsmanship more than any other squad there. We were all crying and couldn’t believe the honor we had just received. We felt that everything we had accomplished should be dedicated to the memory of Gidgette McNabb. She will always remain a member of our squad.
1987-88 Varsity Basketball Cheerleaders: Captain: Kristie Nicholson, Co-Captain: Melinda Smaller, Jennifer Shaver, Gretta Willett, Marcie Bledsoe, and Mascot: Lisa Presley
1988 Cheer Squad, Receives Sportsmanship Award at State Tournament
Cheerleader dedication to the memory of Gidgette McNabb
Note: Gidgette Janee McNabb died on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1987 from injuries received in a car accident.