Jayden Price, Kendra Brown and Ian Tallent 2024 Talent show hosts
On Friday, March 8th LHS had it's annual talent show and it was great as usual. Hosted by Seniors Ian Tallent, Kendra Brown and Jayden Price. Sponsored by Ensemble and Theater Teacher Alisa Inman. English Teacher Jason Hughes opened and closed the show with to singing performances. The acts in the show and the winners are as follows: 3rd Place: LHS Concert Band, “My Shot” • Jake Akins, For Whom the Bell Tolls” • 1st Place: Riley Hammel, Braeden Kramer, Ben MacKintosh, Kiernan Proulx, Oliver Reyes, “Higher” • 2nd Place: Rhyslyn Mosgrove, “Natural” • Aly Curtis, Emma Curtis, Angelique Silva, “Yes He Can” • Sara Ramsey, “Someone You Loved”. Watch the entire show on our YouTube Channel at LHS News Magazine.