Senior Parents: If you and your senior have NOT completed the FAFSA, now is the time to get that done!! The FAFSA must be signed with a verified FSA ID and must be completed by April 15th in order for your student to receive the Tennessee Promise as well as other financial aid. Loudon High will have someone available to assist students and families on Wednesday, April 2 from 12:30 - 2:30 and Thursday, April 3 from 10:00 until 2:00.
FAFSA website: https://studentaid.gov/ (go here for FSA IDs and the FAFSA)
For more information: https://www.collegefortn.org/FAFSA/ (How-to guides and general information)
Contact Mrs. Waldron in Guidance with questions:
Email: waldronh@loudoncounty.org
Phone: 865-458-4326, ext 4005

Friday Special Guests! Sophie Cubberley and Daniel Bridges join Principal MacKintosh to talk about INTERACT, an LHS club making a big impact in Loudon County! Check out the link below.

Congratulations to Elliott, Lupita, Mrs. Fink and Nurse Cargile for being chosen as LHS monthly student and staff of the month!

On Wednesday March 19, Talent Search sent 4 seniors to Washington, D.C. as a part of COE Policy Seminar. They joined over 1000 TRIO professionals in visiting over 400 congressional offices.
Monroe and Loudon County students visited with Ms. Anna Fox from Representative Tim Burchett's office to tell their TRIO story.

We would love to include cute baby pictures and candid shots of your senior in the LHS Senior Slideshow, premiering at Senior Night on April 29. Please email pictures to lhsseniorslideshow2025@gmail.com by April 1. Include your student's name with the pictures, and we look forward to seeing everyone at Senior Night on Tuesday, April 29 at 6:00 in the LHS Auditorium.

Important Reminder that Tuesday, March 18 is the official Junior ACT.
The ACT is a state requirement for graduation in Tennessee. On Tuesday, the Juniors will be taking the official ACT on the computer. It is crucial that students fully update their computers. Please have your students “check for updates” in the search bar on their computers. Then, please make sure the TestNav program will launch from their desktop. In addition, students were given information regarding their MyACT account. Please make sure your Junior has created and account and completed the non-test materials. Following their ACT, the Juniors will eat and be able to go home.
It is important that during testing students remember:
They may not have a cell phone, Apple/smart watch, tablet, earpods, or Bluetooth-enabled device on their person during testing.
If students bring any of these items to school on a day they are testing, they must be provided to the Test Administrator to be secured prior to the start of all testing sessions.
Not to talk to other students or make any disturbance.
Not look at another student’s test materials.
Not ask for or provide help in answering any test questions.
Use only approved materials for taking notes.
Not have access to or use any electronics or recording devices at any time during the testing session, including breaks.
To follow all instructions provided by the Test Administrator
Failure to follow these rules may lead to a student having their test invalidated and/or subject to disciplinary action. We encourage you to discuss these rules with your son or daughter, and to contact the school if you have any questions. Thanks for your continued support!
Seniors will remain at home on Tuesday, March 18, to work on their college and career readiness. If they need to improve their grade, make up assignments, or need remediation, we ask that they come to school that day.
All Sophomores and any freshmen enrolled in an honors course will take the practice ACT on paper then will rotate through their normal classes after lunch. This data will allow ACT prep teachers to personalize instruction to assist students for the official ACT.
Freshmen will rotate through study halls and tutoring sessions in the morning, then they will rotate through normal classes after lunch.
Good luck on Tuesday for the ACT!

Thank you Mayor Harris for being our guest server this week at LHS cafe for National school Breakfast week! Thank you to Mrs. Bushey and her whole staff for always whipping up nutritious and delicious meals. Spring Break here we come.

Want a huge dose of LHS Baseball? Check this out...Caden and Parson joined the Morning Show to talk 2025 Redskin Baseball. Enjoy!

Loudon High School would like to welcome our new Cheer Coach, Jessica Luke. The current team is very excited and so is their new coach. Jessica will lead the new and current ladies in the amazing time-honored traditions of Loudon Cheer moving forward. LHS would also like to thank Delaney Ingram for her time as coach and wish her nothing but the best in the future. Welcome aboard, Jessica!

Our Family Fair for upcoming 9th graders has been rescheduled for Monday, March 17th from 6:00-7:00 PM. We are excited to meet all our new students!
UPDATE: Upcoming 9th graders, don't forget that March 17 at 6:00, Loudon High School is hosting the Family Fair. Come by and get information on the many offerings of Loudon High School. We look forward to seeing our future Redskins!

Thank you to all of our hard working county and school maintenance people that keep our school in tip-top shape!

Behind every thriving student is a team that cares. This School Social Work Week, we recognize the dedication, resilience, and passion of school social workers everywhere. Thank you for uniting communities to ignite hope!
Thank you Mrs. Ellie for all you do for our students!

Student’s in Mrs. Peters’ honors English II class have been working on their creative projects and presentations for the novel Animal Farm. Students were to creatively design a project to present to the class that focused on examining themes, ideas, and symbolism in this novel. They did an excellent job! The winner of the coveted GOAT trophy was Jolie B. Here are some of the pieces that were presented.

Thank you to JTEKT for hosting our Engineering students and giving them an opportunity to gain real world experience!

Congratulations to Our Work Base Learning Students!
We have several of our students from Fall semester that successfully passed their Express Employment Professionals Career Preparedness Certification Test and have received their official certificates! This achievement reflects their dedication, hard work, and commitment to being a better employee.
Josh M.
Aiden W.
Mikayla B.
Lucas L.
Parson B.
Dalton W.
Paloma M.
Students not pictured that received their certification are Isabella W., Alyssa M., and Emy P.

Shoutout to Our Josh Miller Walmart Employee of the Month! 🌟
Congratulations to Josh Miller for being recognized as Walmart Employee of the Month! His hard work, dedication, and positive attitude have truly set him apart. Josh goes above and beyond in his duties to being a great team player, he exemplifies what it means to be a leader in the workplace and providing excellent customer service.

UPDATE: Out of respect for our friends at Fort Loudoun Middle School dealing with a very difficult situation, we are postponing the 8th Grade Parent Night scheduled at LHS this evening. We will reschedule and make sure it is well communicated. Thank you for your understanding.

Out of respect for our friends at Fort Loudoun Middle School dealing with a very difficult situation, we are postponing the 8th Grade Parent Night scheduled at LHS this evening. We will reschedule and make sure it is well communicated. Thank you for understanding.

Upcoming 9th graders, don't forget that tomorrow night at 6:00, Loudon High School is hosting the Family Fair. Come by and get information on the many offerings of Loudon High School. We look forward to seeing our future Redskins!

Vote for Mr. & Miss Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior!
Hey LHS students! It's time to vote for this year's Mr. & Miss Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior! Don't miss your chance to have a say in who represents your class.
📌 How to vote:
Click the link below and fill out the form to cast your vote:
Vote Here: https://forms.office.com/r/VucYDLZMjp