We would like to thank Leadership Loudon for coming to visit LHS today. We appreciate your leadership and investment into Loudon County Schools. Thank you to our great CTE programs for hosting and providing our guests with some special mementos and treats!

Loudon High School shirts are for sale. Orders can be made through Fall Break. Please use the link provided.

Thank you for your participation in the lock down drill. Remember in the event of a real emergency to Avoid, Deny, or Defend. The drill has officially concluded. Have a great day!

This is a test of our emergency preparedness. We are currently in a safety drill. This is a drill of our lockdown procedures. Please stay out of sight and wait until the all clear signal at the conclusion of our drill. Again, this is only a drill. Thank you.

Loudon High School will be open and operating on a normal schedule tomorrow, August 9th. We thank the many volunteers for their hard work today.

Due to storm damage, Loudon High School will be closed Tuesday, Aug. 8. All other Loudon County Schools will be open.

Loudon County Schools will close Aug. 7, 2023 at 1:00 PM due to incoming severe storms. Buses will run.

NEW TO LOUDON COUNTY? Registration Day is August 1st, but we have additional days for STUDENTS who are NEW to the Loudon County school system. Parent or Guardian MUST attend and bring proof of custody (birth certificate plus ALL custody paperwork) and proof of residence in Loudon County (mortgage or lease agreement, utility bill, driver's license). Academic records are very helpful.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Loudon Co.
Schools! It's everything Loudon Co. Schools, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3Oxvn58
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/42VRfeP

Congratulations to Elizabeth Robinson our CTE Agriculture Teacher for her recent recognition by WBIR-TV as educator of the week.

Summer School ends Thursday, June 22, 2023. Make-up week is Jun3 26-29.

Congratulations to North Middle (STEM) and Philadelphia (STEAM) for receiving official STEM designation this morning at the TSIN Innovation Summit! It was announced that each new designated school would receive $35,000 and that previously designated schools (including FLMS) would receive an additional $5,000 for STEM use. #loudoncountystem

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of your Summer! We are excited to be launching our brand new website! Please stay tuned for frequent updates and make sure to download our new app as well!

Fine Arts Festival - March 21, 2023